My husband has been great. He's been super supportive after we loss or little girl. I cry all the time still and yesterday he told me that I was being very quiet and not talking to him. Later he tella me that the cat hangs out with him after he gets off from work but I don't. He says I don't sit next to him and I'm always sad. I said he could always sit next to me in the couch. Today he mentioned going somewhere for our anniversary next month. I told him I don't feel right having fun without my baby. He came back at me and said that I was taking it out on him. That made me cry. I don't mean to be a bad wife. I can't help but be sad all the time. I can't think of anything except how much I miss Delilah. My darling girl is gone and I can't/won't move forward. I don't know what to do anymore.
I lost my daughter Delilah in February, it was suggested to me that it's very therapeutic to write about what I am going through. Mourning, infant loss, sadness, recovery, hope
Monday, April 29, 2013
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Professional Help
I even went to speak with a professional recently. She said that we were dealing with things correctly. It was good to set aside time everyday to think of Delilah. Then she told me about the "counseling models" that they go off of. Then talked about visualizing and putting your feelings into words a letting them float down the stream... Um... no thank you, second appointment, no thanks. I think I'll be doing this by myself and with my husband, family and friends. No streams for me.
Meet Rutabaga
Saturday, April 27, 2013
I can see you darling. You are older and so adorable. Two pig tails high on your cute little head. You play in our kitchen. You hop and bounce. I can see you laying around on your tummy with your feet up in the air. You are my child and I can see you. I hope that it is a glimpse into the future. I hope that your beautiful soul will come back to us and become another wonderfully kind and darling child. I love you sweet one, I miss you. But I can see you. I see you as part of my future. I want to hold your hand and kiss your forehead. I want to be your mommy.
March for Babies
A few weeks ago I saw an ad for the March for Babies, it was exactly what i was looking to do. Something for Delilah. I recruited and bugged people. I designed a t-shirt. Tiday we did March of Dimes: March for Babies. Me my sister and best friend. Team Delilah Sage. We walked 3 miles with my sweet little girl watching from above and raised a bunch of money. I love you sweet pea. Your mommy and aunties love you so much. I think we will try to do this every year from now on. I was happy we did the walk but part of me was dissapointed, like I was expecting to see her at the finish line and I would have my baby again. Sadly that was not possible. My husband told me that I might not have seen her but she was definitely there.
After her aunties left today I cried. I cried because miss my baby because I wish I could have done more for her. I cried because I am so tired from not being able to sleep the night before. I cried because my beautiful little girl should be physically with me.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
A poem
Surely you have some compassion in your heart.
It just might change your whole life.
In our hearts we have seen her live a thousand times.
We have seen her first steps, first day of school, her wedding, and her children.
We have had her forever in our minds.
I am thankful for her everyday, but even if I have twenty more babies, I will forever have one in the grave, and that is too many.
It is a different life, the life of a grieving mother.
One with a tremendous amount to be thankful for, but also one with a lot to mourn the loss of!
She may look young, but inside she has become ancient.
She smiles, but her heart sobs.
She walks, she talks, she cooks, she cleans, she works, she IS, but she IS NOT, all at once.
She is here, but part of her is elsewhere for eternity.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Back to Work
The world feels colder now, darker. I don't want to go to work, I don't want to do anything that's not for Delilah. I just want to curl up and hide from this sad place that I'm left behind in. I miss you Delilah, I'm so lost without you, please come back as our next baby. I don't know what I would do if I can never be your mommy again...
Monday, April 15, 2013
Sad and Dejected
Saturday, April 13, 2013
March of Dimes: March for Babies
My sister and best friend are both walking with me as a part of TEAM DELILAH SAGE!
Lets save some babies.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Hats from Delilah
When I was pregnant with Delilah I learned to make her a baby hat. After that one successful hat I forgot how to make them and had a diffucult time. After my Delilah passed away and we said goodbye for now, I was a wreck. At home I eventually figured out how to make a shell hat. I decided to put it aside for when Delilah comes back as another baby. But that hat inspired me to make some for the NICU at the hospital. I've been working on them to be donated to the hospital from Delilah. I have 42 hats now some for girls some for boys. Some have scalloped edges some have flowers. I love you Delilah. I hope these hats can help babies and bring a little brightness to their parents.
Monday, April 8, 2013
When I was pregnant with Delilah I had set out to make her a blanket. My husband teased me that she would be sixteen by the time I finished the blanket. I have a history of starting and abandining projects. I finished that crochet blanket (shown in "Nursery" post) and I was proud. Then I made her a cloche hat with some of the left over yarn. That was when I saw this fuzzy yarn at the Joann's Fabrics that I thought was so cute. I tried to work with it but it proved too difficult. It was dissapointing but I forgot about it. Recently I've been crocheting hats to donate to the NICU at the Walnut Creek and Oakland facilities where Delilah received her care. I found a pattern online that mentions incorporating the fuzzy yarn to make ears. This made me think of the abandoned yarn. I tried it. Using the fuzzy yarn with regular yarn and a bigger gage hook. It worked! It sounds so dumb now, but this small accomplishment made me so happy. I could finally make her the fuzzy hat. When my baby comes back, she'll have that fuzzy hat that I wanted to make her.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Meeting with the doctors.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
The Nursery
For nine months we planned and assembled furniture, painted letters, decorated walls and rearranged everything. Delilah's room was perfect, it was beautiful and adorable and ready and waiting for our baby girl to be born and come home and use it.
After we lost her, my father in law told us to take apart her room, "trash it, throw everything away and start over new." We told him it was not how we wanted to deal with it.
That was almost six weeks ago. Today he called us selfish for not taking down her room. Told us to take apart everything and thrown everything away again. That hurt, through gritted teeth, I nicely told him we liked going into her room, it made us feel good that we were prepared and that we can use the room another baby one day. I believe that her spirit will come back to us as a different baby.
He kept going on about her room, I wanted to scream, shut up, you don't know! You didn't lose a child, you didn't let me see my baby one more time without all her tubes attached to her, you robbed me of that.
Then he started saying that we were too prepared. We had her room set up, I think most parents do.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Molly Bear
I read about these on another mother of an angels post. I thought I would try it out. Today I went to Build a Bear Workshop and bought the shell of a teddy bear (bunny in my case) went to Joanns Fabric and bought 6 pounds of pellets. I stuffed the bunny and I have to admit I like to hold it. I close my eyes and pretend that I'm holding Delilah. It brings me a little comfort. We named her Daffodil which wad Delilah's nickname at work.