Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Nursery

For nine months we planned and assembled furniture, painted letters, decorated walls and rearranged everything.  Delilah's room was perfect, it was beautiful and adorable and ready and waiting for our baby girl to be born and come home and use it.

After we lost her, my father in law told us to take apart her room, "trash it, throw everything away and start over new."  We told him it was not how we wanted to deal with it.  

That was almost six weeks ago.  Today he called us selfish for not taking down her room.  Told us to take apart everything and thrown everything away again.  That hurt, through gritted teeth, I nicely told him we liked going into her room, it made us feel good that we were prepared and that we can use the room another baby one day.  I believe that her spirit will come back to us as a different baby.

He kept going on about her room, I wanted to scream, shut up, you don't know!  You didn't lose a child, you didn't let me see my baby one more time without all her tubes attached to her, you robbed me of that.

Then he started saying that we were too prepared.  We had her room set up, I think most parents do.

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